Product Description
NFA Emergency Response Kit : This sturdy (NEANN) soft pack first aid kit is recommended for multiple purposes including the home, car, camping, workplace, tradesperson and leisure. It contains an extensive and comprehensive range of first aid supplies in the event of an emergency. Equipment is stored in separate Velcro dividers and elastic holders for easy access.
1 | Albupore paper tape (2.5cm) |
6 | Alcohol Swabs |
10 | Antibacterial wipes |
1 | Burn gel (3g) |
1 | Instant cold compress |
2 | Combine dressing (10×10) |
4 | Conforming Gauze (7.5cm) |
1 | Cotton crepe (10cm) |
2 | Cotton crepe (5.0cm) |
3 | Cotton crepe – heavy (7.5cm) |
1 | Dressing strips (fabric – 50) |
4 | Sterile eye pad |
1 | Eye bath |
5 | Eye wash (15ml) |
1 | Gauze swab (100) |
4 | Gloves (disp) – Pkt 2 |
2 | Low adherent dressing (10 x 10) |
2 | Low adherent dressing (10 x 7.5) |
2 | Low adherent dressing (5 x 5) |
1 | NFA Biro |
1 | NFA Handy Hints |
1 | Protective floor cover |
6 | Rapaid Antiseptic cream (1g) |
1 | Rapaid Antiseptic spray (50ml) |
1 | Resuscitation mask (disp) |
10 | Safety pins |
1 | Scissor (12.5cm) |
1 | Shears |
1 | Splinter forceps (12.5cm) |
5 | Splinter probe (disp) |
1 | Thermal blanket |
2 | Triangular bandage |
1 | Wound dressing (no.13) |
1 | Wound dressing (no.14) |
2 | Wound dressing (no.15) |